Engage is our core 2-day program offered on either M/W or T/Th. (9:15-3pm)
On these days students participate in biblical discipleship; instruction, discussion groups & hands-on learning in Social Studies, Science, and Writing. Elementary students also have math instruction. Students also get to select electives in a variety of academic and enrichment subject areas.
Enrich is a 1 day program on Fridays at the schoolhouse. (9:15-2:15pm)
This is a great option for homeschool families that want support with all the messy stuff like art projects, science experiments, and STEM challenges! Students will get to participate in a variety of electives, such as art, theater, music, STEM, PE, etc. Their day will also include project-based learning, educational games, and lots of opportunities to build new friendships.


Explore groups are parent-planned and parent-led groups that provide non-school day opportunities to grow friendships and explore new things in the community. These include field trips, nature days, and social meetups.
Some highlights have included: goat/horse/cow and other working farms, nature foraging lessons, fire station tour/safety lessons, archery, pumpkin patch hay rides, splash parks, historical site tours, waterfall hike/nature centers, Mr. Bond science experiences, and more!
Visit our SUBJECTS page for more information on our educational model and areas of study for next year!