Homeschool MODEL
Behold is a drop off educational enrichment program, with small ratios that are broken into age and level groups. Our lower school is ages 5-9, and our upper school is ages 9-12.
Our homeschool education model is considered eclectic. We are biblically grounded and Charlotte Mason inspired, while also implementing some best practices from other admired learning models.

I am doing
a new thing..."
Our main focuses at Behold are biblical discipleship and student growth in critical thinking, leadership, and creativity. We utilize discussion groups, hands on projects, and inquiry based curriculums to help students grow in the above skills, while also encouraging a love of learning and equipping them to become self motivated learners. Instruction at Behold is designed to complement students’ at-home learning experience, not completely replace it.
'24-'25 Theme: JESUS IS THE WAY
Study on the life of Jesus through parables and miracles
Social Studies
'24-'25 History Cycle: U.S. History (Notgrass Publishers)
Government Unit
Economics Unit
*For History we follow a 3 year cycle: Ancient, World, and US. (25/26' will be Ancient History)
'24-'25 Science Cycle: Earth & Space (Selections: Generation Genius, Mystery Science, and various others)
*For Science we follow a 3 year cycle: Life, Physical, Earth & Space ('25/'26 will be Life Science)
Writing Skills (Enrichment, not full instruction)
Level appropriate lessons and prompts sparked from the above subjects.
Elementary: Full math instruction and activities based on a syllabus is offered for levels K-4, using The Good & the Beautiful Math curriculum.​
We do not offer formalized teaching in ELA, or Math (for intermediate students); those are yours to do at home.
Our 9-12 year old learners have a study hall block where they can do work independently assigned from home.
Our 5-9 year old learners have ELA enrichment time, where our Guides prepare activities to compliment what they may be learning at home in these subject areas.
All students get to choose from a variety of arts and active enrichment electives such as: Art, Music, Theater, STEM challenge, PE, and other practical life skills.
For our intermediate school students (ages 9-12), they will also select an academic elective each semester.
Selections have included: Writers Workshop, Geography Bee, Creative Writing, Literature Club, and Personal Finance.
Specific elective offerings change yearly, and are released in early summer.
Click HERE to view a sample day!